
is a Mac implementation of John Hobby's MetaPost program for producing PostScript pictures using a {\logo METAFONT\null}-like language. The PostScript files created by MetaPost don't contain a PICT 256 resource, so you'll need a PostScript printer to print a DVI file that includes such files. The application should be kept in the same folder as , along with the MetaPost folder which contains these subfolders:
contains the configuration files used by , especially the Default file which is loaded when starts up. Before using MetaPost, examine the supplied parameters in the Default file and make sure the search paths for TFM/VF files match those used by . Also read the comments at the bottom of the file.
contains John Hobby's documentation for MetaPost. Before printing anything, select ``MetaPost'' from the Help menu and carry out the given steps.
contains the files used in 's Help menu.
contains *.mp files.
contains mp.pool (read by INIMP) and Plain.mem. Mem files are the MetaPost equivalent of {\logo METAFONT\null}'s base files. Use INIMP to build mem files.
includes two supporting tools, MPtoTeX and DVItoMP. If you are using System 7 or later then you won't need to run these tools manually because will call them automatically if your .mp file contains btex ...etex or verbatimtex ...etex sections. Such sections contain TEX/LATEX code, so will also call in between MPtoTeX and DVItoMP.